Daily Archives: 15 Jun 2011

Frankenstein and Third Culture Kids

Self-esteem is something that I found hard to build up due to my experience as a Third Culture Kid. My whole existence and experiences came from being weird, feeling unwanted, misunderstood, and relating to Frankenstein’s creation (not his monster; I refuse to see it as an abomination). He didn’t ask to be born the way he was, his own father disassociated himself from him, and no matter how much good he tried to do, eventually, he snapped and was convinced that if life deemed him to be a monster, he would give them what they wanted. However, in his moment of vulnerability, he could not bear to see the death of his creator, his father, because in spite of the pain he went through of being alone and misunderstood, he was alive and wanted to live on. He also desired another one like him to be made, one who could understand and accept him because of their shared background, so that he would not be alone with another who came from the same mold. Created from different parts to make a unique individual he is Frankenstein’s son. Continue reading