Monthly Archives: April 2011

Mid-April review, Part 1/5: A Global Network of Humanistic Education

Part of the reason I keep blogging is because I need to be able to remember what I’m doing, followed by being a way to let people who follow me what I’m up to when an individual e-mail doesn’t come from me for a long time. Unfortunately, when I get so busy that I don’t blog for over a week, I don’t worry about people thinking I’m in prison or dead, I worry that I won’t be able to remember what I’m up to in life. Continue reading

If Heaven is a place on earth and home is where the heart is, then where am I?

Calvin speaks for TCKs without even knowing it

Time and space are extremely abstract concepts in of themselves, so imagine how my life has influenced me to perceive them, both for the weirdness in my life and the Third Culture Kid upbringing. Continue reading